WeDoIT Joins The Grow as an Entrepreneur Member to Promote Cybersecurity Awareness

WeDoIT proudly announces its membership with The Grow ( as an Entrepreneur, aligning with the shared vision of fostering a sustainable and secure IT landscape. The primary objective behind this affiliation is to actively engage in networking initiatives and bolster awareness surrounding IT security.

At the core of this commitment lies the aim to empower businesses in crafting secure IT infrastructures and meeting the demands of NIS2 compliance. Leveraging expertise in the field, WeDoIT endeavors to contribute to the realization of robust IT structures that align with regulatory requirements.

“Our engagement with The Grow is focused on expanding our network and making substantial contributions towards fostering a secure digital environment for businesses,” says Benedikt Leisten, CEO at WeDoIT.

The core focus of this collaboration is twofold: to broaden our network and play an active role in advancing cybersecurity measures within the business sphere. This endeavor is dedicated to not only expanding our own professional horizons but also making a positive impact by fortifying the digital resilience of companies.

Joining forces with The Grow’s members, WeDoIT aims to play a pivotal role in promoting a sustainable and secure cyberspace. This collaboration stands as a testament to the commitment to cybersecurity excellence and fostering a safe digital landscape for enterprises.

“We are thrilled to work alongside The Grow members in our joint commitment towards bolstering cybersecurity measures and shaping a secure digital future,” adds Benedikt Leisten.

The partnership with The Grow signifies a strategic step towards cultivating a collaborative environment dedicated to elevating cybersecurity standards. WeDoIT eagerly anticipates making meaningful contributions, collectively advancing the agenda of cybersecurity within the realm of modern business practices.

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